Sunday, October 19, 2014

Mountain Half-Marathon ... where Morgan tried to decapitate me ... several times

Sunday, October 19th  3.5 hour ride - 13.1 miles
Mtn. Springs Ride
Rode with Bill & Majesty, Meggan & Zanadee, Robert & Chevy, Pam & Faith, and R
And five dogs

Meggan invited us to join her and her friends for a ride in the mountains about an hour from the house.  We loaded up our horses and left the house bright and early.  I didn't think about bringing sunblock, because it's mid-October ... it should be chilly!  Needless to say, I got my first major sunburn of the year. In October.  *shakes head in disbelief*

Starting out ... our guide for the day was "R" and his sorrel horse and two golden retrievers.  I think red might be his favorite color. :)  Leaving the property, it felt like we were on top of the mountain.  We traveled down to the "road" and found ourselves on a plateau.  

Morg and I weren't used to all the trees and several times I found myself ducking.  At one point, I was digging around in the saddle bag looking for spare batteries when I looked up to find Morgan and I were basically in a tree ... we were both spitting pine needles for a few seconds before we backed out and went around it.  Lesson learned ... don't fiddle around for the first 20 minutes when you're in a new environment.

We came upon a grassy area, which kept the horses a bit busy ... inspecting the area, not tasting the local grass of course.  Majesty and Morgan had never been in grass that tickled their bellies, but after a few minutes, they walked in it without snorting. Until they discovered the muck.  Once they heard the sucking sound of their hooves freeing from the mud, they both said no thank you and tried to turn around.  It took some work, but they made it through the marshy parts and were rewarded with a snack.

This is the only picture of Morgan and I together from the ride.  Poor Morgan, she has no head.  Poor me, I have no feet.

Lots of "ups" and "downs" along the way ... some of it rocky, some of it smooth.  The horses really had to work those leg muscles.  I was thankful Morg is in shape.   

Majesty was the only gelding, the only light colored horse, and the only Arabian in the group. Way to be different Bill!  

Of course, Morgan was the only Morgan, the only one without a bit and unshod. I was nervous about her being barefoot, but she didn't have a single chip or any signs of tenderness at the end of the ride.  Way to go Morgie!  And way to be different Amber.  *grins*

Break time!  We made a few stops to let the horses catch their breath and to do tack checks.  Every time we stopped, the dogs found watering holes and jumped in to cool down. 

Majesty and Bill at the half way point.  Look at poor Majesty's neck ... coated with sweat and dirt.

One very tired Morgan ... as soon as she was untacked, she started to fall asleep.  

About a quarter mile from the house Morgan started breathing hard, so I slowed her pace and let her rest in whatever shade we could find.  While checking her hooves and legs, I noticed she had cactus spikes in her right front leg.  I pulled them out and they immediately started to bleed.  I'm sure she thought I was torturing her when I wiped her leg down with an antiseptic cloth.  I watched her carefully to see if she would need a Benadryl, but she didn't seem to have a reaction to the cacti.

A quick rinse then they loaded into the trailer and we headed home.  13 miles in 3.5 hours ... we might take up endurance riding ... with lots more practice!

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