Sunday, December 16, 2012

December 16, 2012 - Morgan & Majesty: 1 hour

Saddled up Morgan while Bill tried to get Majesty near the tire.  Morg and I rode over to lend support.   Morg circled the tire and then we wandered off.  Bill got Maj to walk up to the tire after that. :)

We wandered out the north gate and headed west.  We went down a road neither horse had been down before.  Morg fast walked so we had to circle back to Maj a few times or I had to put her behind Maj.  She slowed down when asked, but she really wanted to step out.  We turned left and followed the street.  Morg had a hard time with the cars on the road (even if they were 2-3 streets over) and she kept a wary eye on them.  Also the barking dogs made her nervous until she realized they were fenced.

We cruised down the street back to our house (I had to fight her a little more so she wouldn't outpace Majesty), but no bolting so that was good.  When we got to our driveway we turned to the open desert and struck out towards the dunes.  There was a truck shadowing us and Morg would alternately stop to watch it and then trot to catch up to Maj.  Annoying, but not frustrating.

We climbed a steep dune and got ahead of Maje but she dead stopped at the top, which made it hard for Majesty to climb.  After that, she only wanted to walk behind Majesty.  After 2 more we started to head home.  We kept them at a walk since the ground was still mushy, but we let them run down the driveway twice just for fun.  

New saddle pad is working out great!  Morgan is a rockstar! (A "frustrated cause no one lets me run" rockstar)

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