Saturday, December 15, 2012

December 15, 2012 - Morgan, 20 minutes

Rained the night before, so the ground was mushy.  Opened Morg's stall to let her run a bit and Maj chased her back into the stall - shell fell trying to turn.  Checked her hoof; little bleeding, but no heat.  Put iodine on it and let her play in the turn out while I locked up Trav and Maj.  She zoomed around the arena a few times, so I figured she was OK to ride.

Tossed a saddle on and then walked her to the front where the tractor tire had been left.  She snorted, ran circles around me, and kept staring at it.  I let her circle, but each time I got closer to the tire.  I unhooked one rein and sat on the tire while she pranced around snorting.  Eventually she realized it wasn't scary so we moved on to riding.

I was losing the light, so we only ran around the yard a bit.  I love how comfortable I feel with her!  We rode for about 20 minutes before we untacked and I fed everyone, but it was rejuvenating! :)

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