Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July 4, 2012 - Not my best idea

Rode Morgan.  Rainy, wet, firecrackers.  Probably not my best idea to ride.

Lots of head shaking - hopped off and she rubbed her head on my torso.  Didn't see anything, but it obviously bothered her. Tried walking down the driveway, but kids lit firecrackers as we got near then end of the driveway.  She did well, but it bothered her.  Took 4 times to mount.

She didn't want to ride, but I pushed the issue because it was 75 degrees.  She tore down the path by the turn out, then turned and full out ran back - tried to go between the trailer and feed bin, but I got her to stop.  It was just no fun.  She didn't want to walk anywhere and her head wasn't with me.  I struggled to get her to the tack shed to untack.  

Walked her to the turn out, tossed down hay and took off bitless.  Before I could shut the gate, she dashed out and ran to Sundance's stall.  Caught her easily, but I was frustrated.

Good horse; bad day.

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