Friday, July 27, 2012

July 27, 2012

** Christopher left. **

I'm sure I did something with the horses, but I forgot to record it.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

July 15, 2012 - Sundance's Pullback Issue

**  July 14, 2012 - Christopher came home **

Morgan, Dance, and Mochie (Smoke) were in the turn out.  I started to groom Morg, but Mochie kept butting in and cuddling.  I groomed her and tossed on the saddle pad, but she walked to the very last stall and put herself away.  sigh.

I saddled up Morgan (which is what I wanted to do initially).  Since Dance was hanging around I figured I could pony her.  I tied her to the saddle horn and started to lead Morg ... Dance pulled back and untied the lead.  I retied a bit better and tried again ... same result.  The third time I tied it better and started to lead Morg, but Sundance pulled back so hard she pulled Morgan back a step or two, and Dance continued to pull back (enough so her front hooves came off the the ground).  Morga held steady and didn't panic.  I got around to the other side and untied Dance once she stopped pulling.  Morgan is amazing.

I put Dance away and rode Morg around.  The weather was 70 degrees, cloudy, slightly windy and the ground was damp from 2 days of rain ... perfect riding weather to go fast!

I walked Morgie to the end of the driveway and tried to mount while having her stand in sand deeper than the packed stuff she was used to; took us 5 tries before she held still.  To her credit, Bill was feeding everyone else while she was having to work.

We blasted down the driveway, to the front of the house, turned and blasted back tot the turn out gate.  We sauntered over to the feed trailer and Bill gave her a cube before we headed to the open desert by their stalls.  She got a bit nervous and I had to ask twice, but we made it to the bush I had selected before we turned and came back to the feed trailer.  Once more up the driveway (that was a bit of a discussion) before we ran back down the driveway, round to the front, and then stopping at the tack shed.  

Morgan is amazing.  Simply amazing ... I couldn't ask for more!

** note to self: don't ride horses in capri pants. Right leg bruised below kneww. Doh! **

Monday, July 9, 2012

July 9, 2012

Took Wasabi for a walk and practiced tying her off for periods of time.  She smelled the propane tank, sniffed the PT Cruiser, put her head over the goat fence, and walked the narrow space between the goat fend and the upside down roof.  She's not afraid of anything - for better or worse. 

Temperatures over 110 degrees all week - so no riding for the horses.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

July 8, 2012 - Wasabi's Saddle Training

Saddled up Wasabi and had Bill lead her around with halter/rope combo while I sat in the saddle.  Did pretty well, no spook, but for the first lap around the house, her head was up and she wanted the lead.  Kept trying to get ahead of Bill.  He kept having to circle her to keep her in line, but by the second lap her head came down and she was better.

Never felt nervous; in fact I felt encouraged about riding her.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July 4, 2012 - Not my best idea

Rode Morgan.  Rainy, wet, firecrackers.  Probably not my best idea to ride.

Lots of head shaking - hopped off and she rubbed her head on my torso.  Didn't see anything, but it obviously bothered her. Tried walking down the driveway, but kids lit firecrackers as we got near then end of the driveway.  She did well, but it bothered her.  Took 4 times to mount.

She didn't want to ride, but I pushed the issue because it was 75 degrees.  She tore down the path by the turn out, then turned and full out ran back - tried to go between the trailer and feed bin, but I got her to stop.  It was just no fun.  She didn't want to walk anywhere and her head wasn't with me.  I struggled to get her to the tack shed to untack.  

Walked her to the turn out, tossed down hay and took off bitless.  Before I could shut the gate, she dashed out and ran to Sundance's stall.  Caught her easily, but I was frustrated.

Good horse; bad day.