Wednesday, May 23, 2012

May 23, 2012 - Majesty Escapes

Rode Morgan in turn out for a quick lap and then went out the gate.  She was hesitant about going down the driveway, but was willing to blast down the arena and towards the street.  We rode in the open acres behind their stalls, but I had to let her stop and think a few times.  I let her run back, but made her go between the feed and trailer.

She wanted to look at the goats, so we spent time over there.  She kept trying turn around when I asked to go down the driveway.  Finally I looked behind us to see what had her attention - Majesty was wandering around the yard. Sigh.

I put her back in her stall, then collected Maj and locked him in his stall.  Then Morgan and I went back out the gate.  She blasted around the front yard, back acres, and down 1/2 of the driveway.

I loved it and laughed out loud and hugged her.  I am constantly thankful for my  Morgan!

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