Sunday, May 13, 2012

May 13, 2012

Took Morgan for a walk near dogs, past the goats, and out into open desert farther than before.  Came back on one of the trails in front of neighbor's house.  Used 3 treats to get out; none to come back. 

Then saddled up (4 times at mounting block) and headed down the driveway.

  1. 3/4 way through goat pen & turn
  2. End of goat pen & turn
  3. To the edge of driveway and two steps in to street then turn.  Kept trying to walk to the right on the way back, and would stop a few times when headed to driveway.

Rode Sundance bareback around yard.  Leter her have her head and we wandered to the goats, end of driveway, visited the feed holder, in the neighbor's yard behind their stalls.  She wanted to trot, but she was tripping & pulling on her bad leg so I kept her at a walk.  Great ride on Dance!

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