Monday, July 11, 2016

Lessons from a "Wild" Mustang

37 minutes - 1.02 miles - Wasabi & Foster Kid
 Wasabi met me at the rail as soon as she saw the halter ... well then, you get to go girl!  On the way to the front gate, we invited the foster child to join us.  He was dubious, but I told him we would climb sand dunes and he jumped in our conga line.
 I explained about Wasabi's itchy spots and showed him how her lips twitch when you hit just the right spot.  He laughed at her expressions.  
Then she stopped to go to the bathroom, and he was fascinated ... he's been with us six months and this is the first time he realized they poop.  This time I laughed out loud.
We climbed a few sand dunes and Wasabi would grab him by the shirt if he got too far away in her opinion.  He would laugh and step towards her which seemed to please her greatly.
Wasabi did stop twice on the way down the sand dune and rolled in the soft, warm sand.  I've never had a horse do that before and we all found it entertaining.  I was glad I had these two on the walk today.  Lots of laughter and joy, which was much needed.

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