Sunday, January 27, 2013

January 27, 2013 - Morgan and Majesty, 1 hour

* hoof trim, Morg & Maj

Had a little trouble with Morgan loading.  She got in once she felt the butt rope.  Have to work on that.

Trailered to Gina's.  Morg wouldn't hold still for a trim, had to round pen her.  Mr Shameless was there and calling out to the mare, it was windy, Majesty was out of sight, but still!  She calmed down once she was saddled.

We walked over to a mounting block and as Bill was swinging over the saddle horn, Maj snapped his head up (he got surprised by a small dog) and caught Bill in the nose - bloody mess!  Bill decided to ride anyways, so we headed out.

About 30 minutes in, Majesty's bit snapped in half so we had to walk back.  On a good note, Morgan handled herself like a dream!  

When we got back, we noticed Bill's hat was lost.  We untacked, loaded (no problems), and drove down the path till we found the hat.

3 strikes and the ride is over!  We have to ride the trail again on Saturday for the ACTHA competition.  We'll see how it goes.

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