Friday, August 31, 2012

August 31, 2012 - The 3 "M"s

Rode Majesty, Mustang & Morgan

Intended to start with Sabi, but Maji wanted to go, so I took him out for a quick spin (20 min).  Didn't let him go too far or fast because he is out of shape.  He spooked at the tarp covering the feed and again when he put his nose in the feed trailer.  So cute!

Rode Sabi outside the arena for the first time!  Mounted without the stool (took two tries) and then we wandered around the house and out in the desert behind the stalls.  Had her trot back to our yard, but had trouble stopping her ... had to go round in circles a few times before we stopped.  I got mad and snapped at her.  Made her walk, stop, walk, trot, walk, stop for a while before I felt comfortable letting her an a loose rein.  We need more saddle time together, but she exceeded my expectations.

No running off, no bucking, no real fighting, and no spooking.  Had her go all the way around the house and trotted in the turn out.  She always gives a crow hop when i first ask for a trot, but no adverse behavior when asked for a canter.  It was lovely!  I would describe it as floaty ... her stride is so much longer than Morgan.  All said and done, I think she did rather well. I wouldn't hesitate to ride her again.

Since Morgan was jealous, I took her for a jaunt.  We had to argue about standing still while mounting, but that was our only "issue."  We wandered round the house until she decided to go in to the open area behind the stalls.  She continued on until we hit the "street."  It had been flooded out and washed away in the heavy rains.  The ground was still soft, but she handled herself admirably and continued around the "block."  I let her canter home from the neighbor's driveway and it was joyous!  So in love with her!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

August 28, 2012 - Full Moon

Was windy and rainy for 2 weeks.  Washed out driveways and flooded paddocks.  Too yucky to ride.

Saddled Morg as the sun dipped behind the mountain.  Full moon and breezy, but light enough to see.  She was cautious but not not spooky.  Rode around the yard for 20 minutes with no problems at all.  For our first "night" (twilight) ride, I couldn't be happier ... she tried so hard and I appreciated her efforts!

Monday, August 6, 2012

August 6, 2012

** August 4, 2012 - Majesty and Morgan: hooves trimmed **

Planned on taking Sabi out since she was in the turn out, but something made me put her away.  I pulled out the saddle and Morg practically put it on herself she was so ready to go.

* Noticed the left flap on the saddle is separating.  Have to watch it

We walked out in the open area behind their stalls, about 3/4 of the way to the street before I mounted.  She does much better without the stool.  She blasted back the way we came and continued past the shed and down the driveway.  She wanted to go left but I turned her round and we ran back ... she lost footing and then began to walk.  She wasn't pulling , so I let her head round the top of the turn out and along the fence line.  

Sun was in our eyes, so I turned her around again.  This time we went left at the end of the driveway, but the yard art, and over to the planter where we stopped to snack.  I moved her on, making our way through the narrow walkway and two steps on the cement with no hesitation.  She eyed the PT Cruiser as if it would eat her, but ignored the other 3 cars.  Who knows?

Down the driveway, over to the goats, back round the tack shed, big spook (two huge side steps) and then near the propane tank to eat grass by the cat condo. She was responsive, kept a great pace, and (mostly) level-headed. 

She would have headed out to the open desert - heck, she would have gone anywhere I asked - she wanted to get out and have fun.

Love, love, love her!