Monday, April 9, 2012

April 9, 2012

Rode Sundance, Smoke & Wasabi around the turnout; bareback with bitless.

  • Sundance was limping at a walk, so kept it to one lap and then to her stall.
  • Smoke took a few tries to get her to hold still, but allowed me to hop on.  Rode basically to her stall.
  • Wasabi wouldn't line up at stall.  Tried a few times then tied up the reins and sent her on a few laps.  Stood still.  As soon as I got on, the wind picked up, so I asked her to hold still.  Never moved!  Didn't fight me so much for her head, and walked to her stall when asked (verbal).  Stall was closed, so she tried nosing it open.  I reached forward and opened it - no spooking.  She's pushy about food.

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