Friday, April 27, 2012

April 27, 2012

Joon died.
Heartbroken.  Cried all the way to work.  Cried at work.  Can't stop crying.  I miss my goat.

Hooves trimmed: Majesty, Morgan & Smokem

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

April 24, 2012

Took Morgan for a walk at 8:00 pm - still 80+ degrees!  Fed at 5:30 pm.

Followed the turn out fencing, walked to the sand due at west end of property.  Went by cars and dogs with no issues - probably because of the treats in my pocket.  4-wheeler drove by, so I had her stop and face it.  No issue.

Walked into the open desert by the side driveway - toward desert & back to house three times; each time a little farther.  Last time jogged to the tack shed (for another treat).

I started to put her back in the turn out, but she wasn't done, so we walked over the railroad ties by the tack shed.  Didn't take much coaxing.  Walked by food with wind blowing tarp - all good.

Love this horse!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

April 21, 2012

Took Morgan for a walk.  Went around the house starting near car port.  She had a little anxiety when not in view of other horses; one little spook, but she calmed down quickly.

Little high strung near the dogs, but much better once we passed the car.  She didn't try to lead or push me, which was good.  Walked passed the food trailer, behind the stalls, and back to the arena.  

Need to do this everyday for a week to get her used to leaving.

April 22, 2012
Went to Arabian show, wouldn't trade Morg for all of them!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

April 18, 2012

Hopped on Wasabi bareback for a quick ride in turn out.  Fought me less for her head, but won't walk to the end or all the way around arena.  In her defense, it was an hour past dinner.  Initially, I had to make her run a lap and a half to halter her, but when I released her she came right to me.

Monday, April 9, 2012

April 9, 2012

Rode Sundance, Smoke & Wasabi around the turnout; bareback with bitless.

  • Sundance was limping at a walk, so kept it to one lap and then to her stall.
  • Smoke took a few tries to get her to hold still, but allowed me to hop on.  Rode basically to her stall.
  • Wasabi wouldn't line up at stall.  Tried a few times then tied up the reins and sent her on a few laps.  Stood still.  As soon as I got on, the wind picked up, so I asked her to hold still.  Never moved!  Didn't fight me so much for her head, and walked to her stall when asked (verbal).  Stall was closed, so she tried nosing it open.  I reached forward and opened it - no spooking.  She's pushy about food.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

April 8, 2012

45 minutes

Rode Majesty, Morgan & Wasabi around the turnout, bareback with bitless.
  • Majesty was a gem
  • Morgan does not like to stand next to mounting stool.  Took 4 tires before I could mount.  Have to be very careful with cues because she is so sensitive.
  • Mustang stood like a rock for mounting.  She does not walk off until the command is given.  Gives a little crowhop before moving out into a trot.  Fights for her head.  Wanted to go out the gate and fought me for a few minutes before I could get her off the gate.