Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Rhulain's First Ride Off Property

40 minutes - Rhulain, Bill & Wasabi - 1.13 miles

Me: Pssst, hey Rhu ... wanna go for a ride ... outside the gate?
Rhulain: What? Really!

Yep.  Bill and Wasabi are going to join us.  We'll walk down the street to your favorite snacking spot, then I'll hop on and we'll ride home. 

Um, Rhu, what are you staring at?
Oh. She doesn't want to step over that log ahead of you. Shall we try it?
Well that was easy. You're pretty amazing Rhu.

As we were almost home, Bill decided to walk Wasabi so he could open the gate for us.  

They looked deep in conversation, so we hurried to catch up, cause eavesdropping is fun.  They weren't talking about how awesome Rhulain was, so we stopped listening.

Good ride ... Rhu knows more than she has let on so far.  Her trainer did a great job or she's just really smart, or both.

Had a little trouble bringing her down from a trot to a walk; we might need to work with a bit to reinforce that lesson.  Otherwise, no complaints!

* Updated 6/12/15 - Bill had taken a picture of Rhu and I together for this momentous occasion:
She's so beautiful

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