Wednesday, March 4, 2015

So, um ... Reagan left me in the desert ... alone

39 Minute Walk/Ride
1.89 miles

All was right in my world ... I said "Hey Reagan, ready for our outing?"
And she came right over to me.  I thought: "Today is going to be awesome."

We walked out the front gate and wandered out to the sand dunes.  I said: "Geez, it's been a long time since I've been in the dunes.  I kind of miss them."

 Upon hearing this, Reagan decided to do me a favor and let me have some quiet time in the dunes. Alone.
I had moved her over to a mound of sand so I could step in the saddle for our trip home.  Her butt was too far away, so I hopped off the mound, walked around her, and gave her big bum a push.  She promptly scrambled up the mound and took off at a run.

I followed her tracks and found her in the neighbor's yard.  I checked for injuries, and finding none, I tightened up the cinch and climbed into the saddle.  We retraced our original path at a "trot" (that was the most awful bouncy hot mess of a trot ever ... whatever did they do to you Reagan?!?) then turned around after half a mile and walked home.
Not a horrible way to spend the morning, but it did make me late for work.  And what excuse did I have for my boss?  My sorrel mare left me in the desert a 1/2 mile from the house.  Honestly!

What did I learn from this adventure?  
1) Don't let go of the reins with Reagan; 
2) Get her in position before trying to mount; and 
3) Work on that trot!

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