Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Escapees ...

40 Minutes Total
Walking for 25 minutes - Trotting for 8 minutes - Walking for 5 minutes - Flexing for 2 min

This morning I decided to take Morgan for a walk, but I failed to wrap a chain around the turn out exit.  Before I had even made it to the tack shed, Wasabi used those ever busy mustang lips of hers to flip open the latch and lead the other three horses on a merry outing around the yard.

Of course, once Morgan saw the other three running free, she joined in. *sigh*  She told everyone to follow her and she headed towards the open gate.  NOOOOOO!  I started running and barely managed to get the gate shut before they whirled around and ran towards the other gate.  Nice try, but  that one was shut.

So after 20 minutes of chasing them from one side of the yard to the other, I bent over to try and catch my breath.  I saw Wasabi peek around the bush and watch me carefully.  When I managed to stand up, she stood still and let me lead her back to her stall.  Sundance and Morgan didn't want to be left alone, so they followed along.  

Majesty took another 5 minutes to catch. *rolls eyes*

Once that was done, I saddled Morgan and we trotted off down the road, stopped at the end of the street and let her grab a snack, before turning and trotting almost all the way home.  We walked the last 5 minutes and then I returned her to the turn out so she could eat breakfast.

According to the app on my phone, I walked 1.77 miles and burned 129 calories chasing those dorks this morning.  So, um, good for me?

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