Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Turnout Fun

Tuesday, October 14th  5 minute ride  

Morgan giving me a hug before we rode

I only had a few minutes, so I tossed on a headstall and clambered on Morgan's back.  We stayed in the turnout pen.  The other horses were wandering around the turn out impatiently waiting for dinner, so we got some interesting reactions.  

First there was Wasabi:
She threw a hissy fit ... kicking up dirt, snorting, racing about

Then she decided to play "follow the leader" .... with her being the leader, of course

Then there was Majesty:
He looked pitiful ... this is his "I'm starving, please feed me" face

Two laps around the turn out and I hopped off and fed everyone.  Just a quick pick me up before heading to the town council meeting.

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