Sunday, September 14, 2014

Snuck in a quick ride

Sunday, September 14th  15 minute ride  90° 

Morgan did NOT want to ride.  She discovered the "feed" trailer and was just sure we put it there as her personal buffet.  Every time I turned around, she had scooted over to the trailer.

Elmer came over to wish us well on our ride ... Morgan questioned why we needed to ride. CLEARLY there was a feed trailer that needed emptied.

Once we got off the property, Morgan boogied down our regular path ... in fact, she didn't want to stop moving for pictures, or slow down.  The route that usually takes us 20 minutes was completed in 14 minutes flat.

So we went home and I untacked her ... then turned around to give her some carrot chips and she was gone.  Morgan!

Yep, she went over to "help" Bill unload the feed trailer.  Silly Morgan.

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