Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Dune Riding

Wednesday, June 25  89°  Left at 7:00 pm  Arrived home at 8:00 pm
Rode Morgan, with T & Red

Sent T a text to see if she was riding this evening. She said she would saddle up and meet me at the house.  She arrived just as I was putting on Morgan's headstall.  Used my Texas saddlery saddle and Mullen mouth bit. Had to try three times to get Morgie to take the bit - which is highly unusual.

We headed out towards the sand dunes, with Red in the lead. Morg and I hadn't been down that road since Easter Sunday. We saw two riders we knew, but it looked like they were headed home so we continued on towards the dunes.  No hesitation from Morg as we hit the road to the dunes and we took the first dune at a trot. She was panting by the time we reached the top.  Poor dear, she is really out of shape.  She started down the steep embankment until she sunk in the sand to 1/2 way up her legs, then she turned and bounded back up the dune.
April 20th. Easter Sunday.
Last time we were in the dunes!

From there we followed Red over a few smaller dunes, back to our old area, but followed a new path they had been cutting.  Smooth, easy path with plenty of room for trotting (loping for Red), and enough twists and turns to keep them stimulated.

We cut back to the road to my house as the sun started slipping down. We had about 30 minutes of sunlight left, so we ambled through the brush. We saw two riders ahead of us following the street by my house and thought one might be Bill, so we cut our path short and angled towards them.  They turned away from us so we figured it wasn't anyone we knew.

Rode past my house, stopped to chat with a neighbor, and rode with Red half way to their house before turning back and riding solo. Held a nice pace and mostly straight line for the half mile to our driveway.

Great ride! Hadn't realized how much I had missed the dunes until we were in them!

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