Sunday, November 11, 2012

November 11, 2012 - Smokem Mochem & Majesty

Smoke got a hoof trim.

Took Mochie on the trail ride by Todd's house.  Did fairly well - little push at first, but didn't crowd the horse in front of her at all.  Kept trying to eat, so had to keep after her for the first half hour.  Then she got tired and slowed down, so I moved her to the back with Bill and Majesty.  After an hour and a half she was walking so slowly I had to ask her to trot to catch up.  Poor girl!  I bet she didn't expect to ride 2 hours that day! :)

Only problem was at the "gate" opening obstacle because the string had flags that were attached.  She tried hard though and kept walking to the rope, but when I lifted it and flags fluttered, she backed away.  Ah well.
Gina sent Bill a text later that said I should get rid of Morgan and keep Smokem.  As if. :) 

Majesty was superb, but seemed tired this trip.  He was dragging at the end and we didn't even run any portions of the trail.

Temperatures dropped quickly and we lost the sun while trailer loading.  So cold!  Glad we didn't work them up into a sweat too bad.

Jackie from my work joined us for the ride.  She borrowed Todd's horse Seven.

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