Saturday, February 2, 2013

February 2, 2013 - Morgan & Majesty, 3 hours

Took the kids on the ACTHA ride.  They were horrible.

Majesty liked the new bit initially, but once the newness wore off, he became a little fiesty.  Morg started OK, but kept rushing up to Majesty's bum.  She tossed her head, wouldn't stop, wouldn't stand, wouldn't walk.  It was frustrating but manageable.  I decided there is no recourse with the bitless, so we'll need to try a bit for awhile.

Todd rode behind me and as Morg was fighting me, he told me my seat had improved.  It was nice to hear!

After the ride, Deub talked to Bill and I.  Said I don't sit in my seat - I sit on it.  He's right.  I'm anticipating rather than relaxing.  Said I need to clear her out of my space and quit letting her run over me on the ground.  He's right.  Said I need a bit as well, but my saddle is OK.